Cycling Adelaide to Melbourne - 800kms
A few years ago a friend of mine said he wanted to ride to Adelaide and since then the idea has been always in the back of my mind...
So last week (1 week before I did this) I decided it was time to give it a crack. I knew with no real specific training this was going to be rough, but I knew it was possible and that was enough!
So in the week leading up to the trip I organised everything I needed to get prior, which was only the following:
Off I went...but I flew to Adelaide and rode back.
Wednesday morning I flew to Adelaide with my bike and 1 backpack.
Started riding around 8am in the morning, legs were stiff and my bum sore as could be...
By day 3 I was OVER IT, body was breaking and mentally I was flat as could be.
Total of about 746kms