Greatest Simulated Distance on a Fan Bike In One Hour

Greatest Simulated Distance on a Fan Bike (assault bike) In One Hour - Guinness World Record



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Greatest Simulated Distance on a Fan Bike In One Hour


What: 35.241 KILOMETRE(S)


When: 15 JULY 2022

The greatest simulated distance on a fan bike in one hour (male) is 35.241 km (21.898 mi), and was achieved by Ethan Fleming (Australia) in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on 15 July 2022.

Ethan explains how he was inspired to do this attempt "I just wanted to continue to chase the uncomfortable things in life. Life isn’t meant to be comfortable. It’s meant to be exceptional."

He chose this particular exercise as he believes that anyone who has been on a fan bike knows how tough they can be, so he thought, what better piece of equipment is there to achieve a record on.

Ethan has been training for years in all areas of fitness. He says that this attempt was hard but not even close to his previous record for fastest 100 km pulling a road vehicle by an individual (48 hr 27 min 15 sec).

In the future, he plans to achieve 40 GWR titles before he reaches the age 40.

When asked what being a GWR holder means to him, he expresses "It means being the best in the world at something. What's better".

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